
131,957 km2, 11.2 mln inhabitants
9,000 islands and isles, including 200 inhabited on
Mountainous areas account for 80% of the territory
Mount Olympus' peak rises to 2,917 m
6,000 plant species, including 4,500 wild ones, with 800 of these endangered
900 wildlife (animal) species, including 200 endangered
25 March celebrated as Independence Day, to mark the revolts that broke out on the Greek mainland against Turkish rule in 1821 and 28 October, second most important national holiday
Capital city: Athens, with a population of 4 million

Currency: euro
97% of the population are Orthodox Christians
Neighbouring countries: Turkey, Albania, the Republic of Macedonia (or the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), as the Greeks choose to call it) and Bulgaria
Greece is the cradle of the Olympic Games.
Modern Greece has been a member state of the European Union (initially known as the European Communities) since 1981.


 Unesco sites

Acropolis of Athens

Daphni and Hosios Loukas monasteries

Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus

Archaeological site of Vergina






Temple of Apolo Epikourios à Bassae





Historic Centre with the Monastery of St John the Theologian and the Cave of the Apocalypse on the Island of Patmos

Pythagoreion and Heraion of Samos


Both natural and cultural heritage

Mount Athos

Both natural and cultural heritage

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